10 Fun Facts about the Museum of Science and Industry

museum of science and industry chicago

Ever wanted to check out a massive, hands-on science museum? One filled with awesome exhibits around every corner. Then get yourself to the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago, Illinois

Here are 10 fun facts about this fabulous Chicago Museum.

#1 The Building Was Part of the 1893 World’s Fair

The museum building itself has a neat history behind it. It was originally built in 1893 for the World’s Columbian Exposition. Also called the Chicago World’s Fair, this expo celebrated Christopher Columbus finding the Americas 400 years before.

The fair had imaginative buildings made of steel and plaster in a style called Beaux-Arts. Nicknamed the “White City,” this place amazed everyone who saw it. But most of the structures were torn down after the fair ended.

Luckily, this Palace of Fine Arts building stayed up! It was fixed up and reopened in 1933 as the Museum of Science and Industry. Now it’s the only one left from the 1893 fair. You’ll love its huge columns and grand hall.

#2 It Houses the Biggest Science Museum in the Western Half of the World

Spread over 400,000 square feet, this is the largest science museum in North and South America combined. That’s a ton of space filled with hands-on exhibits to teach about science.

You can explore everything from outer space to the human body. With 14 acres of exhibits, be ready to walk! Comfy shoes are a must to see it all.

With 35,000 items on display, there’s more cool stuff than you can fathom. Mummies, spacecraft, you name it – this museum has it all waiting for you.

#3 See Films in the 5-Story Tall Domed Theater

This Chicago Museum has the only giant five-story domed theater in the city. Opened in 1973, it can fit up to 360 people in reclining seats.

Visitors watch immersive science movies projected overhead on the domed ceiling. Surround sound makes you feel like you’re in the film.

Current movies let you swim with dolphins, experience tornadoes, and go on other science adventures. It’s an awesome way to spend time at the museum.

#4 Over 190 million People Have Visited Since 1933

Ever since opening at the Palace of Fine Arts building, over 190 million guests have walked through its doors. That’s a whole lotta people exploring the exhibits in the past 90 years!

Folks from Chicago and around the world visit annually to see new attractions or old faves. Exhibits change periodically, so there’s always something fresh to check out on return trips.

From school field trips to tourists, the museum gets visitors of all kinds. You’ll be one of the millions making memorable moments there.

#5 Marvel at the 35,000+ Rare Items on Display

With its 14 acres of exhibit halls, this place has room for a mind-blowing collection of artifacts. You’ll be surrounded by over 35,000 unique objects related to science and tech.

You can see amazing things like the first diesel locomotive, a giant walk-through human heart, or a real German submarine from World War II called U-505.

There are artifacts from massive machines to tiny surgical tools. However, do they fit it all in? You’ll have to visit this Chicago Museum to believe it!

#6 Two Buildings Hold All the Exhibits

The museum got even bigger in 1991 when they opened the Henry Crown Space Center. This addition gave them 87,000 more square feet for exhibits about planes and space.

In the space center, you can walk through real NASA aircraft and touch an actual moon rock. Or check out the old building to see the coal mine, baby chicks, and more classic exhibits.

With two buildings total, there’s double the interactive science fun waiting for you. Get your walking shoes on to explore both structures in one day!

#7 Get Hands-On in the Science Storms Exhibit

One top exhibit is called Science Storms in the museum’s East wing. Here you’ll get hands-on with nature’s power through cool displays.

You can stand inside a 40-foot tornado! Or get soaked by a giant tsunami wave simulator. Control an earthquake’s shaking intensity.

Science Storms makes atmospheric science real. After brewing up disasters like lightning and blizzards, you’ll appreciate nature more.

#8 Watch Baby Chicks Hatching Live

A highlight of the Farm Tech area is the hatchery where you can watch baby chicks! Just look through the glass to see the cute fluffy birds peeping and waddling around.

See their tiny beaks breaking out of shells as they hatch. The staff helps the hatchlings and tracks their growth.

Thanks to the museum’s care, hundreds of thousands of chicks have hatched safely. Snap pics of the adorable fuzzballs taking their first steps. Too cute!

#9 Tour a World War II German Submarine

This museum has a crazy unique artifact – an actual German U-boat submarine from World War II! The U-505 was captured in 1944 and donated to Chicago in 1954.

You can go inside to see how the crew lived and worked in the cramped quarters. Hear intense stories from veterans who served on U-505.

It’s the only WWII submarine you can tour, which makes it an incredible opportunity. You’ll appreciate what soldiers endured in underwater battles.

#10 Don’t Get Lost in the Trippy Mirror Maze

Get ready to have your mind twisted around in the mirror maze! Named “Numbers in Nature,” this exhibit uses over 600 mirrors arranged in mind-bending ways.

As you wander through the infinite reflections, don’t get lost! Look closely to see mathematical designs found in nature.

Finding your way out of the maze will give you a whole new perspective. But watch your step in there!

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